Patient Referral

Activities for Dementia Patients: Butterfly Craft

butterfly craft

Engaging in simple crafts can significantly enhance the quality of life for loved ones with dementia, offering a host of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits. Dementia often brings about cognitive decline, memory loss, and a sense of disorientation, making it challenging for individuals to maintain a sense of purpose and connection with the world around them. Participating in crafts tailored to their abilities can create a positive impact on various aspects of their lives.

Craft activities provide cognitive stimulation by requiring focused attention, sequencing of steps, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, crafting engages their creativity, allowing a loved one with dementia to express themselves non-verbally and reconnect with their artistic inclinations.

Emotionally, crafting can foster a sense of accomplishment and pride. Completing a craft project, no matter how small, can boost self-esteem and lift their mood. The tactile experience of working with different textures and materials can evoke pleasant memories and sensations, stimulating positive emotions for a loved one with dementia.

One of the most significant benefits of crafting is its potential to facilitate social interactions. At home, it’s a pleasant diversion. While participating in group crafting sessions can create a supportive environment where individuals can communicate, share stories, and collaborate on projects. This sense of belonging counters feelings of isolation and loneliness that often accompany dementia.

The repetitive nature of many crafts can also have a soothing effect, reducing agitation and anxiety commonly experienced by individuals with dementia. The rhythm of crafting, whether it's knitting, coloring, or assembling puzzles, can provide a calming and comforting routine.

Incorporating crafts into the regular routine of loved ones with dementia can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Caregivers and family members can take an active role in facilitating these activities, creating moments of joy and shared experiences. However, it's crucial to choose activities that align with their abilities and interests, ensuring that the crafting experience remains enjoyable and beneficial.

An activity like the simple butterfly craft below can create a positive and engaging environment, enhancing your loved one’s overall quality of life and well-being.

Butterfly Craft

What You’ll Need: 

  • Paper cupcake liners in a variety of colors
  • Miniature pipe cleaners (if miniature pipe cleaners are unavailable, simply cut a standard pipe cleaner in half)


  1. Flatten the cupcake liner on the table.
  2. Fold cupcake liner in half.
  3. Fold each side up like a fan or an accordion.
  4. Repeat these steps with a second cupcake liner.
  5. Wrap the pipe cleaner about both folded cupcake liners.
  6. Twist to secure.
  7. Adjust the pipe cleaner ends to make the antennae.
  8. Tape the butterflies to walls or doors as a charming decoration.

See more activities for dementia patients.

 Caregiver Tips

  1. This activity can be scaled to your loved one's abilities. For example, if they cannot make the folds in the cupcake liners, you can do this while they twist the pipe cleaner in place.
  2. While doing activities with a loved one with dementia, engage them in conversation. Play music they enjoy softly in the background to create a positive mood.
  3. Even though your loved one may not remember names or things that happened in recent days, they may still remember their childhood. Ask about favorite colors or clothing they used to wear or how they celebrated holidays as a child.
  4. Activities for people with dementia have the best chance of success early in the day when your loved one is well rested. If they don’t want to participate or get frustrated, don’t force it. Try again another time.
  5. Remember that the goal is to have an engaging activity with your loved one with dementia. Don’t worry about the end result.


Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to support patients with dementia and their families. Please call us at 1-888-564-3405 to learn more about how our unique care programs help provide a higher quality of life for dementia patients while helping caregivers avoid burnout.

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